She’ll make you take your clothes off and go dancing in the rain

Good morning my friends. What a change from yesterday – it’s sunny and bright outside. Yesterday, it looked and felt like fall. But today, it feels like summer again. Hopefully, it’ll warm up nicely, and be summer again.

I only worked for a couple of hours yesterday. BossLady texted me to tell me that she wouldn’t be in. She said she had the flu. I think she just has a nasty cold – if she has the flu, there’d be a good chance that she won’t be in today. But I know her, she’ll be in this morning.

So yeah, I left at noon and grabbed some spicy ramen for lunch for the two of us. It was really good – for store bought ramen. After lunch, we cleaned out the bedroom closet and we took two bags to the second hand store. We also stopped at my parents place and help to load 2 or 3 bags into my moms truck.

I found just one book, which I posted about yesterday. Crystal grabbed a curtain – to make some cover ups. Nothing else jumped out at us. So we went home.

It was a good day for sure.

So here we are, the middle of the week. The weekend is so close to us. I can almost taste it. Happy Wednesday! Let’s have a great day out there!

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