Seven a.m., waking up in the morning gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs

Woohoo it’s Friyay! It doesn’t even matter that I have to work tomorrow, what matters is that it’s Friyay! So far it’s an overcast day, but it’s supposed to get hot hot hot! High of 92° so we’ll see if we hit that today.

Yesterday was a mostly busy day. BossLady came in mostly annoyed at everything. But I’d like to think we got some shit done. So yeah it was mostly a paperwork day – pretty much the most boring of days. But you gotta have boring days to offset the cool days.

So it seems like this will be a short post. Pretty much everything is the same here. Same allergies, weather (for the most part). We’re in what they call the dog days of summer. I hate that term, but it is what it is.

So yeah, I’m gonna drink some coffee and watch some news. It’s Friyay all get hype!

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