Saturday 7th

Ed. note: this letter is when he started packing letters written over multiple days in one envelope, and he’d indicate the order to read them.


Still Saturday 7th

Hey baby, again!

Second letter in one day! Crazy, huh. It’s 1:42, and I’m bored. Not really ired enough to nap, and can’t really concentrate on a book. All in all, it’s simple: I miss ou. Daydreaming a little today. You and me making out in my parent’s 5th wheel. I know, I know, cheezy. But it’s my cheese. I’ll share if you want some. This may be the second letter today, but it won’t go out until probably Wednesday. I ordered more paper, another envelope, and stamp today. Writing to you helps me feel close to you. So very close. In just 24 hours, I’ll see you again. I can’t wait!

There’s a lot of downtime in here. And routine. There’s a lot of time to think about everything. There’s always noise. The din of the crowd, so to speak. For the most part after 10pm it gets quiet. Unearthly quiet. I guess that comes with 74 people in 48 rooms. After Irish leaves I probably won’t get a roommate. From what I can see, they don’t mix races/languages in here. I don’t know what I’ll do when he leaves.

Why am I writing so much? I truly don’t have anything to say. I’m just rambling. Is it to make me feel better? Feel closer to you? Healing? I don’t know, but I’ll keep doing it. I may even send them if I can afford to. I don’t know why I write, but to be honest, it feels right. I’m trying to keep the letters light, and happy. But I know parts of them aren’t. But you gotta take the good and take the bad. Take em both, and there you have the facts of life. 🙂

It’s still Saturday, just later, I think it’s around 4:40, getting closer to dinner. Dinner tonight is a chicken patty, pasta, and the world’s smallest salad, and hot juice. Don’t ask me why it’s hot, it’s one of life’s misteries – but yeah, I kinda look forward to the meals. Wanna know something? I love you lots.

Tonight’s dinner was ghetto chicken* parm. Without cheese, with a ghetto chicken patty, and for some reason slightly spicy tomato sauce. This hotel and restaurant is terrible, remind me to do a Yelp review at a later date. There will definitely be ramen tonight before bed. Like I’ve said before, you’re never full nor hungry here.

So this morning (Sunday 8th) I was woken up for the count at 6:20. That confused me. Our usual count is around 7/7:20. Then I remembered Daylight Savings Time. Ugh. I think the coffee or whatever they’re calling coffee is growing on me. It’s hot, or at least warm. In my heart, I know it’s decaf. It still tastes like dishwater.

So I think I have about an hour before you get here. Everyone is in the common room watching TV. I’m enjoying being alone in the room. I made a calendar today so we could figure out what day it is. I hope my time here goes quickly. I want to REDACTED so bad. So I’m sorry I had to leave so abruptly, and now I try to call, and all the phones are down. I miss you so much. I wish I could be there to help you and hold you so close. **sigh** I just keep telling myself that it’ll get better and maybe in a month or two (maybe 3) we’ll be together again. I’m scared. Really scared. Behind this gorgeous ext. I’m a blubbering mess. Although I am really excited for your journey. It’ll be scary + exhilarating for sure. I hope that I’ll be man enough for you when we’re together again. I have so much to prove to you.

Oh geez, I’m going to need more stamps. HAHA

I love you sofa king much

* “ghetto chicken” are what we’ve always called those cheap, frozen, breaded chicken patties, I don’t even remember where it came from, or why.

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