Policeman taps his shades – is the a Chevy 69?

Yep, I slept in. Another pretty good sleep. Out like a light. I moved around a couple of times. Every time I’d stretch out on to Crystal’s side, I’d kinda wake up and reset my myself and move back to my side of the bed.

Sunday, Sunday. I’m up and I can’t believe that my parents left the channel on MSNBC. I’m currently watching SundayToday with Willie Giest.

But I’ll be right back (not that you’ll notice), but the coffee is ready.

My parents want to go grocery shopping today. I’m torn. I want to go for a yummy lunch, but I really just want to relax and do a little bit of nothing, and work on the Book Club this afternoon, plus I have to clean the stove this afternoon.

Needless to say I don’t know what I’m gonna do.

Anyways, happy Sunday everyone. Make it a good Sunday. And do one thing that needs to get done, that you’ve been putting off 🙂

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