Now the Leafs call me up to drive the Zamboni


So yeah, both of us didn’t really have a good sleep. I was up early to go to the bathroom and to get something to drink. As I was walking back into the bedroom, I ended up closing the living room curtains, and going back to get another drink of water. Then I was up about a half hour or so before the alarm went off.

You see I slept. I just couldn’t get comfortable, and to be able to breathe at the same time. I finally got comfortable, and then the alarm went off, and here we are now. The coffee is brewing its final 6 cups, and the news is on the TV.

We had a pretty nice day out of the house. We went to SlightlyBiggerTown to check out the second hand store. I found a Stephen King book, and Crystal grabbed a few things that really jumped out at her. After that second hand store, we came back to TinyTown and hit up our little second hand store. I found another book, a mug that I shouldn’t have bought, and two shirts.

Go over to Crystal’s site to read about what she got. Let’s just say there’s an indecent proposal type photograph out there of her major purchase.

Back to full days work today. Yay. I’m gonna have to drink coffee to wake up. But on the bonus side, it’s bright and sunny today with an expected high of 69. However according to the weather app, it’s supposed to cloud over pretty much for the rest of the week. Hopefully that’ll change.

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