Now daddy ran the whiskey in a big block Dodge bought it at an auction at the mason’s lodge

Good morning! I awoke to a surprise. Crystal fixed my alarm clock to play music rather than white noise. I thought about fixing it last night, and I figured I’d do it later. Then I completely forgot to do it, as usual.

It’s a bright and sunny day out in the wild. It’s supposed to be the hottest of the week, and then the temps drop slightly for the next couple of days. As long as it stays sunny, the temps don’t really bother me. Just leave the humidity at home!

BossLady has a consult coming to the store today, NewNewGirl and I were teasing her that we have to make an effort to look good today. I remembered this after getting dressed this morning, so I’ll quickly change in a few. I told her not to worry, I’d shave my legs and all that.

I slept like the dead. I don’t remember waking up in the night, so that’s a bonus. Crystal was up a little bit before me, so the coffee was ready and waiting when I stumbled out of the bedroom.

So yeah, time to refill the coffee cup. Happy Thursday!

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