Nocturnal creatures are not so prudent – the moon’s my teacher and I’m her student

Good morning my friends. The week is slowly moving forward. It was a slow ass day yesterday. BossLady didn’t come in, because she had personal stuff to take care of. I took care of the work stuff. There was a few hours worth of work that I took care of.

Just before lunch, Crystal said a package had arrived at the post office. At the same time a package arrived at the store. The package that was supposed to be here Friday. So I popped over to the post office, and asked for the package. They were just printing out all the package labels. They knew just where the package was and passed it to me. Then I went to lunch.

Crystal was very happy with both of the packages and gave me a huge hug. Very happy!

After work, I watched Crystal play some Legend of Zelda, and then we drove – it was freaking cold. -22🦫 with the wind. Over to the restaurant and had our romantic dinner. She had the cordon bleu, and I had the prime rib. Not too shady. I enjoyed my meal.

Now we’re sitting here watching the news and enjoying kitty snuggles. I think everyone is in the office today. Full house! So pour some more coffee and let’s get the day started.

Happy hump day y’all!

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