Mummy don’t know daddy’s getting hot*

She looks sweet and innocent, but Pippin was being a bad little kitten this morning. I was awoken to some noises. I sprung out of my bed to see what was the matter.

She was in the laundry area closet. She rushed out when she heard me get out of bed. I put away four or five boxes of Kleenex, and two or three rolls of toilet paper, and went back to bed.

That was around 4:30am.

From there, it was a light sleep. I’m all stuffed up, so I was really trying to force myself to breathe through my nose. Every time I started to breathe through my mouth, I woke up, and forced myself to breathe through my nose.

I must have slept deeper than I thought, because when I woke up again to look at the clock, it was 6:50. So it wasn’t too bad of a sleep.

But we’re both up, Chaucer is trying to find a comfy spot in between us. Coffee for all. Back to work this morning. Shouldn’t be too bad, I believe I’m alone in the office today, so I should only have to talk to BossLady on the phone and via text today. It’s a nice way to ease back into the work week.

Happy Tuesday my friends! Let’s all have a good week, shall we? Woohoo!

* I’m sorry, this song is terrible. It’s been stuck in my head all night for some reason. Again, apologies.

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