Midnight, and I’m a-waiting on the twelve-oh-five

Awake! I had a pretty good sleep, sleeping on top of the covers until sometime in the night, where climbed up and got warm again. I think I dreamed last night. All I know if I had a shitty country song stuck in my head. ALL NIGHT. I thought about posting a link, but why should I give power to a shitty song?

We had to go to BiggerTown yesterday for my gramma to get her hearing aids serviced. It's a long drive. About 2ish hours just to get there. As of yesterday Walmart Canada has decreed that everyone going in has to wear a mask. Lemme tell you, from what I could see, 100% participation. That's better than what a Walmart in the USA could do, I betcha. 

Anyone want to play some hockey? Game on! So we get through Walmart, and instead oft gramma having a banana split waffle for lunch, then feeling sick for the rest of the day, we tried a different place. It was OK. Nothing to write home about. I was kind of disappointed that there wasn't a seniors menu for gramma, and they were out of her go-to choice. No fish and chips!

So the trip home was uneventful, just long. It makes for a long day, when you want to go to Walmart, and it's a 4+ round trip. You really need to bundle up what you want to do. Yanno, hit as many shops as you possibly can and load up. It's just not feasible to make that long of a drive to get one item. 

Where'd you go? I dunno. I forget 😂

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