Midnight, and I’m a-waitin’ on the twelve-oh-five hopin’ it’ll take me just a little farther down the line

Well it’s a big change from yesterday. It’s bright and sunny out there, and we’re expecting a nice comfortable high of 75° out there today. That’s a nice thing for sure. We don’t have too many warm days left in the calendar. So we have to take advantage of all the warmth that we can!

Good morning party people. It’s Saturday, and all that stands between me and the start of the weekend, is a short shift at the shop this morning. It shouldn’t be too bad. Hopefully, we’ll have some people come in today. I had a handful come through yesterday.

Date night was really good. The diner didn’t seem to busy, so I went over to the kitchen and asked if I could order breakfast. The cook said no problem. You see, they stop serving breakfast at 4. We get there around 5. So last time the big boss lady was in I was joking around about that, and she said that if they weren’t busy, and it was up to the cook, I could order breakfast.

Breakfast was good.

After we got back to the Flat, I played DJ using YouTube, and for the next couple of hours, I played music videos. I know! I had full control of the music! That doesn’t happen too often. But I did something right – Crystal was actually adding music that I played to her various playlists.

Then suddenly it was time for bed. Of course, I crashed totally until the alarm went off. I’d like to think Crystal slept in as well, but if she did, I don’t want to jinx it! So right now she’s an enigma. She either did or didn’t sleep in. The possibilities are endless!

So yeah in a few hours, I go in for a few hours. Then the weekend is mine! But first – coffee!

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