May your days be merry and bright

Good morning every one. I’ve been up since 6, and Crystal, on and off since about 4 am. So yeah, we’re awake, but we’re not happy about it this morning. I’ve checked the weather and the snow that’s coming tomorrow, last night was sitting at just under 10 inches. This morning we’re sitting at back down to about 3 inches.

I’m getting tired of the will it, won’t it. But I guess we’ll see what happens when we wake up in the morning. We’ll either have a shit-tonne of snow, or something shovelable. Time will tell.

Chaucer is chasing his tail under the built-in bookcase. Pippin is taking this as he wants to play. So she’s trying to play with him. He just wants to level up his tail catching skills.

But we’re awake, and slowly greeting the day. Today, there’s a couple Christmas shows that I’ve saved to Crystal’s favourites so maybe we’ll watch some today. Or there’s 100s of hallmark movies to help get into the spirit. Let’s fucking do this!


You know, after chores haha

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