Good morning, happy Wednesday. Hump day, the day of the jumps. How’s everyone doing? I learned that since the sun is coming up earlier, I really need to close the curtains in the bedroom. It was so bright this morning. I was up around 6ish, I think. And dozed until the alarm went off.
Yesterday was a short day at work. I got there, and BossLady had just landed in CapitalCity. She’d been up since Sunday morning. I took in a huge delivery of two sofas – which each they were over 200lbs. I was worried that I’d hurt my neck a little, and my back. – but it’s just my arms that are wicked sore.
After I had taken in the furniture, I basically had permission to head home for the day. So that’s what I did. I came home had a bowl of cereal for lunch. I told Crystal that she could do her smut thing in the bedroom while I played BotW.
I really have to remember to get the screen captures off of the Switch this afternoon. So I can post some pictures. Yesterday, I got the Master Sword. I’m almost ready to not fight any of the Guardians. They scare the bejesus out of me.
Happy hump day!