Making love out by the lake to our favorite song

We’ll, hello there my friends. It’s a dark, chilly morning here in TinyTown. The breeze is light, and it looks like it’ll be another cool day out.

The weekend is in sight!

That’s right. I just have to survive today, and then I won’t have to go back to work until Tuesday morning. It’s a mini vacation!

I slept like the dead last night. I woke up to look at the alarm clock around 5 or 5:30, and thought oh god I’m wide awake. I was for about 2 seconds. The next time I woke up was 6:50, then the alarm went off, and here we are.

Saturday, we should be heading to CapitalCity. I’ve been looking forward to this trip for a couple of weeks. We have a large list, and Google Maps travel listing to go to. It should be a fun day. Fun, but a busy day.

The bonus: I can shut the alarm off for tomorrow. That’s a really good thing.

We’ve been enjoying Letterkenny. We’ve seen a lot of clips and funny bits on YouTube, but seeing the same bits with context is even better.

Ok, I need more coffee. I’m outie9000

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