Good morning my Sunday friends. Yep, it’s the end of the weekend, and we’re on the couch with our yummy coffees. I have Chaucer up on my lap, and Pippin is having some breakfast.
Spring is slowly making her way back to where we are. In the mornings, if I get up at a normal time, the sun is closer and it’s mostly daylight out. The days are getting longer. I can’t wait for the real spring. I’m getting tired of the marshmallow world.
We did the adult thing yesterday, and drove to SlightlyBiggerTown for some groceries, and a trip to the “plant store”. You gotta love the euphemisms that I force you to read.
We went to the weed store and purchased some weed.
Then it was off to Subway for a quick to go lunch, then it was back on the road to TinyTown. We have it down to a science, and we’re back before 1 pm.
Chores will be started here soon. That’ll be fun.
More coffee first.