Here we go again. Another Monday. A new week is on our doorstep. But wait, did y’all see the score of the Dolphins game from yesterday?

That’s insane, huh? Miami must have done the Annexation of Cuba. It’s the only way they could’ve won by that high of a score. So yeah, that came from out of nowhere for sure.
Yesterday was pretty nice. I did the chores through out the morning, and the beautiful one played some Skyrim. She was kicking some ass, killing some random people so she could be cool and fit in with her new friends that she’s making. I’m happy that she’s fitting in. Usually, overachievers don’t get to fit in with the others, but she’s doing very well.
After Skyrim, we went over to Shady Acres for dinner. It’s always quiet over there. Mom talked to one of the cats as she just randomly made a pie for desert. A couple weeks ago we helped to pick the apples from the tree in the back. She’s been drying apples, and all that. She has a ton of apples to still process.
Short story long, the pie was very good. I enjoyed it. The whole dinner was really good.
I can’t talk for Crystal, but I slept like the dead. I did get up in the night, I’m still refusing to look at the clock. I did my thing, and as I’m walking back, I step on a giant carrot cat toy, which made some noise, but not enough to wake up Crystal, or the kittens.
And now here we are. It’s brunch day. That’ll start in a few hours. Who knows what’s on the deck for today. So far, I can’t think of anything that I have to do today. so let’s just play it by ear.