Lightning strikes maybe once, maybe twice

yawn. Good morning my friends. I’m awake, and I’m not enjoying it. The design nights went off pretty good. Crystal and I got out of there around 10 last night. After both of us had a terrible sleep.

When the alarm went off, Crystal was on the couch. Wide awake. She had a terrible time trying to get to sleep then trying to stay asleep.

With coffee brewed and lights on, at 11:30, there was a text message – “let’s all come into work for 10 this morning. Let’s all sleep in a little.”

That doesn’t help me now. It took a while for me to fall asleep. Then I was too warm, then slightly too cold. Then I just plain couldn’t get comfortable. I was awake before the alarm went off.

Now we’re under a snowfall alert. If it’s to be believed, we may be getting 10-20cm of the white stuff. According to the release, it should be starting in the afternoon. Yay.

One more design night tonight. The final push. We can do it. I won’t ask Crystal if she wants to come tonight. One of us should have a good sleep.

Pass the confeve, pls.

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