Life is like a hurricane here in Duck – burg

Good morning. It’s drab and gray out there. Crystal says we’re still in the lineup for thunderstorms. It’s also pretty froggy out there. And humid. It just feels sticky out there.

I slept like the dead last night. I don’t even think that I moved at all last night. I did wake up and notice that Pippin was snuggled up by my feet. I think Chaucer had been wandering around just before the alarm went off, but when I woke up he was already on the floor meowing for his breakfast. Which he threw up minutes later.

Work was ok yesterday. It was pretty quiet, but I managed to check a few things off of the ol to do list. And I got a couple of things done for NewNewGirl that she tried getting done the day before but just couldn’t. But it was a pretty good day. I brought some cardboard home for Crystal to transfer her pants on to something a little more sturdy to use.

Later on this morning, we’ll be heading into SlightlyBiggerTown for groceries. After a while I’ll get up and make a shopping list for all the yummy stuff that we need. I wonder what we’ll have for dinner? I’m sure that we’ll find some pretty awesome foodstuffs.

But right now, I need more coffee. Happy Saturday! Let’s have an awesome one!

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