Life is demanding without understanding

Good morning. Today we wake up with the knowledge that it’s almost the weekend! Yes that’s correct, we’re only one shift away from a few days off! Me, I can’t wait! it’s been a along week, but it’s moved surprisingly fast.

Not fast enough!

Yesterday morning, my mom texted. My gramma has a room at the old folks home. Next Tuesday. I’ve worked it out with BossLady, and I’ll be making a delivery on Tuesday, and if there’s nothing pressing at work, I’ll have the rest of the day off, which I’ll be using to help my mom move gramma. If she needs us, we’ll be available.

I just can’t wait for the day to be over, as tonight is date night. Just me and Crystal, and two huge mounds of fries. And a burger, which is pretty good as well. It’s something that we look forward to each week.

I slept through the night. I have to fix the bed a little. It felt like the weighted blanket was all up by our shoulders and heads. Not good. It’ll be fixed by the time we head off to bed tonight.

Let’s get the day started’

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