Hey hey video game nerds. I’ve found a game that took my mind away from TotK. You see, I’m 90% of the way to end game on it. I just have one temple to go, and then if I wanted, I could battle Ganon. But, I have no real want to beat the game. BotW totally lost its replay value when I defeated Ganon. You’re just transported back to your last save point, and it was like the big battle never happened.
That kind of annoyed me, and I pretty much never really picked up the game again. I don’t want that with TotK. So technically if I never beat it, I’ll never have that disappointment. Right? Anyways, that’s my logic.
So last Saturday, I took it upon myself to buy No Man’s Sky – henceforth known as NMS. Besides it was like 50% off or something like that. So while I waited for it to download, I turned on TotK. I futzed around until the download was complete. So probably only like 15 minutes or so.
So lemme tell you – I’m just over 12 hours in, and I have no clue what I’m doing. But I have realized that I’m a pretty good ship-to-ship fighter. I picked up the wrong thing on the wrong planet, and I had the robot police after me. The Sentinals. I fought them on the planet, and into space. It got to the point that I was like 5 star wanted, but they just kept coming. I think with the advice of Crystal, I ran to a near by space station. That did the trick.
A couple of nights ago, I finally pulled the trigger on a new ship. It’s a little faster and has more storage than my old one, aptly named star spooge. Just before I swindled an innocent alien out of their space ship, I’ll pull all the modifications out of it, and traded ships, with a few units tossed their way as well.
This ship without the modifications on it is better than my old ship. Sure it’s a class C, but a lot of the modifications already in it were class S (which is the best), and with the ones I installed, made it a really good sleeper. It’s deadly and fast.

I still have no idea what I’m doing.