John Candy still had time, River Phoenix in his prime

Ahh Saturday. The day of Saturs. We survived the night, even though it broke up our schedule a little. You see, around 7:30, the power went out. We am didn’t know right away, because we were both outside. I went in to get my phone because I commented about how the street lights weren’t on yet.

So I walk into the Flat, to quickly grab my phone, and it’s a wall of darkness. The only light source in the whole apartment is the Switch, chugging away on battery power. Like outside, it’s pitch black inside.

We hung out and finished up what we were doing outside, and Crystal found her poi, and started to turn them on for lights. I do have candles, however, the kittens aren’t exactly the smartest in the world, so we fire that lit poi are better than open flame.

We managed to make it through until about 9:30, when suddenly all the power comes back on! I reset the clock on the stove, and put away the drying dishes. From there, I started the water for Crystal’s hot cocoa. From there it was pretty much back on track.

Like I told Crystal, I’d rather have the power go out during the summer/fall, rather January when it’s minus 30 or something crazy like that. No harm, no foul. We went to bed at the normal time. And I’m pretty sure aside from one quick trip to the bathroom sometime in the night, I was out like a light, and pretty much never moved.

So yes, what an adventure! Just a short shift at the shop today, and then we’re off to SlightlyBiggerTown for some groceries. I’ll have to make a list while at work this morning. But right now, I need a refill in my coffee mug.

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