Good morning everyone. I struggled to stay asleep and in bed until 7:30. I guess that’s as late as I can sleep in now. But it’s not too bad. I get to sleep in, but now lose a lot of time by being unconscious. It’s almost a win-win.
The lose-lose is I have to reset my alarm clock for 4:30 on Monday morning. That’s gonna hurt, lol. But that’s a problem for Future Shawshank. Future me isn’t gonna like getting up that early.
Yesterday was a nice, do nothing day. But we did get stuff accomplished. We grabbed stuff for lunch and dinner yesterday, and I helped out my mom by grabbing some pictures of the trailer, and with the help of Crystal, made a flyer. I’ll be putting fliers up around town today, and tomorrow.
Today, nothing much planned. The regular chores, and all that fun stuff. My parents are in CapitalCity for the day for an MRI scan for my dad. So we won’t be going over today. I dropped off the mail, and a Mother’s Day card yesterday. Today I have to pop back over and hang up the for sale sign on the trailer, and grab the flyers.
I’ll do that after the chores are complete.
But first, coffee. The sun is shining, and it looks nice out there. Both kittens are in the back table, enjoying the sun. This is the only time that they’ll sit or lay or sleep side by side. Pippin must be loving this, while Chaucer sees it as a necessary evil, that he has to endure, to be in the sun.