Is it showin’ off my brand new lower-back tattoo?

Good afternoon party people! It is I.

I had to work the opening shift this morning. Lemme tell you, first actual customer – about 3 hours after we opened. A whole lotta sitting around. I got home about an hour ago, and just started this post now. I had saved just over 70 YouTube shorts to show Crystal.

I don’t have a lot to talk about. It’s a lot harder in the middle of the day. So I’ll just say, yep home from work. Watching Crystal play some Skyrim. Can you figure out which character she plays?

Want a hint?

What does EVERY player end up becoming?

Stealth archer.

Hotdogs and chips tonight

Might do laundry while she plays. Less to do tomorrow. I’ll be mowing my parent’s lawn tomorrow afternoon. Can’t forget the allergy pills.

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