*insert popular song lyrics here*

I slept in. I slept in, and I feel terrible about it. Crystal was up around six and just had to do some bathroom stuff, while I drooled on my pillow. I felt her leave, but I didn’t feel her come back to bed. I think I spread out and fell back asleep. I had shut the alarm off yesterday, in the hope that we’d stay asleep because we didn’t have an alarm. And we’d sleep in.

It worked. Well it worked for one of us. It was me. I was the only one that slept in.

Crystal was supposed to get a gift on Friday. It never showed up. Amazon tracking says it should’ve been delivered, but still says it’s in CapitalCity. If I take the tracking number and plug it into UPS, it says it’s currently in another province. But we’ll see if it comes today.

We don’t have too much planned today. Just going to SlightlyBiggerTown for groceries. Im sucking back coffee too wake up.

Let’s get the day started. Happy Monday y’all.

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