I was gonna pull right over and stop but I was high

We’ll, I’m awake. It’s the second time I’ve been awake this morning. Pippin jumped off her perch in the bathroom, off the toilet organizer, knocking off a bottle of pills to the floor. I shot out of bed to again, see what was the matter.

I picked up the pills and put them away again, and at this point, Pippin is running around like a crazy person. Eventually, she settled down and fell asleep on my hip. Both kitties slept on the bed at the same time last night.

She’s now on my lap, all loafed up. She’s a strange little kitten. It’s like she chugged a Jolt cola in the middle of the night. For such a small kitten, she sure can make a lot of noise as she tromps around at the speed of sound.

Anyways, we’re up, and dressed, and the coffee has been brewed.

Pitter patter. The faster we start the day, the faster it’ll be over! Happy Wednesday y’all!

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