Fam, I’m tired.
I got up in the night so many times.
(Audience) how many times?!
12:30. 2. 3:30. 4:20(!!!). 4:25.
Mind you, the alarm goes off at 4:30.
So, yeah, not a happy camper this morning.
However, I changed shifts with a coworker, and I have Sunday off! Woohoo! I can actually spent sometime with the family that’s coming down for a quick visit.
Also, turkey dinner.
My eye is still swollen and sore. In a couple of hours, I have to re-up my allergy meds. That way I’m not a complete mess for date night tonight. What will I have? Well, there’s only 2 pages to the menu. Plus one for adult beverages. So there’s not too much of a choice. But if I get the burger, remind me to ask for it without lettuce on it. They put a sheet of the damned stuff on it.
Too much, people. Too much.
Happy long weekend everyone. Remember not to labor on Monday.