I bet she’s never had a backstreet guy

Good morning! Hap hap happy Thursday! It’s dark, breezy and cold. No snow though, I think we sent all of our snow down to Buffalo. They’re expected to get three or four feet by the end of Saturday.

Since I put the bricks in front of the laundry doors, Pippin has been pissed that she can’t get in. She lays on her back, and tries to move them. So far, she’s been unsuccessful. Which means, that I can sleep through the night.

Which I think I did last night. I remember rolling over and looking at the clock, once. I don’t remember what time it was though. Now we just have to figure why Crystal is waking up early.

Coffee has been brewed, Crystal is reading me an article about Hershel Walker talking about werewolves and vampires at a rally. It’s pure insanity that this guy made it to a run-off election. They’re all cray-cray. All of them.

Let’s all have a really good Thursday!

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