I am sitting in the morning at the diner on the corner

Good morning party people! It’s SATURYAY! Let’s get out and have a great day. On Thursday, my gramma went into the old folks home for two weeks of respite, and I think my mom has a little case of cabin fever, so we’re going to have a mother son day. We’re going to drive to a town that I’ve never been to.

And there, I have lunch, and do some grocery shopping, because I’m out of just about everything. Some times the 15th and the 30th some with 3 week a in between them. This is one of those times, so I was stretched just a little. It’s all good in the hood though.

It’s a beautiful day out, and should continue on for the rest of the weekend as well. Finally, it seems like the summer achievement has been earned. It’s about time.

Toaster will be running today so I should probably start to prep for that – take the mats outside. I’ll do that shortly.

First coffee!

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