I ain’t an angel, you ain’t heaven-sent

Yo yo. I’m here, and you better be ready for me. So what should we talk about today? Hmmm. Great question. I have no freakin idea. I was up wicked early, and now I’m home from work. I’m tired, but not tired enough to take a nap. Besides, it’s too late now.

Work was a little busier today. But not by much. We had a new employee training today, so was on the register a little more, then as he was training, I was outside a little bit. when it was time to leave, I made my purchase, and then skedaddled as quickly as I could.

It started out gray, then the sun came out to play for a little bit. And now we’re under yet another thunderstorm watch. It truly feels like spring outside. Hopefully, it becomes summer time soon.

Tonight, we’re having hot dogs for dinner. I remembered that we really need to use the hot dog buns before they get stale/moldy. So that’s exciting, huh?

Perhaps too exciting.

Peace out, bitches!

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