Back to work today. It was a nice, and sometimes long 4 days off. Well, 3.5 days off as I went in for a few hours yesterday.
Had to go to SlightlyBiggerTown to grab some groceries for my mom. I stopped by the newest business there, the local weed store, where my coworker also works. She recommended something to me, and I picked it up. It wasn’t bad. More of a “sink in to the couch”, as opposed to “get hit with a brick and sleep next to the dumpster” feeling that I’m more used to.
I’m at a loss of what else to chit-chat about this morning. I’m still sleepy, and would very much like to sip my coffee for a while.
I hope everyone has a great day. If you’re learning circus tricks, make up your own love, but give it a really serious name; like The Porchengko. Or something like that. If you’re gonna workout today. Use the heaviest of your weights, but lift with your knees! You got today! Make it your bitch!