How ’bout the power to kill a yak from 200 yards away…
with mind bullets! That’s telekinesis, Kyle

Ok good morning! Before I begin, I forgot to post a picture yesterday. I remembered about 20 minutes after my post. Here you go!

That’s a pretty proud moment. 365 days of learning German. Am I fluent? Heck no! Can I say something is broken? Almost. I can point at something, jump up and down and yell KAPUT!

I don’t really think there will be a time that I’ll be able to have a conversation in German.

But now it’s coffee time. And the weekend news. I have to be at work in a couple of hours. Let’s get this day started!

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2 thoughts on “How ’bout the power to kill a yak from 200 yards away…
with mind bullets! That’s telekinesis, Kyle