So the new single dropped sometime in the darkness. Chaucer was so excited that he wanted to do a private concert this morning while slept. The newest verse of his magnum opus was sang, with feeling.
It’s a banger, it’s 🔥
It was loud. I cut him off as soon as I started to hear it. I called him back to the bedroom, and like that, the music stopped, and I was able to fall back asleep. Chaucer was proud because, he got to debut a new track. He’s sitting all snug on the pirate chest now. Shunning us.

As I was getting ready I got the text that my mom was taking my dad back to the hospital. I’m a baby when I’m sick, but my dad takes it to a whole ‘nother level. It’s amazing. He gets sick or a little hurt, and really just shuts down. My mom is starting to get really pissed. So this morning, before work, I have to head up to Shady Acres to clean their pellet stove, because my dad apparently can’t clean a little stove – he’s too sick.
So I’ll pop up and clean it, and then take off for work. Not exactly what I’d like to do, but I’ll go over and help them out, they’ve helped me out so much, it’s the least I can do.
Work wasn’t too bad, steady up to a point. Once it the sun went down the customers dropped off. That’s ok, it gave us a chance to clean up and prep for the next day. I changed out some rugs, and mopped a couple of times. It was a pretty good evening.
And I get to do it all over again tonight! Noice!