So it snowed here last night. When u went out this morning to look around and have a smoke, I looked over to the Hot Mess Express, and it looked like there was like a foot of snow on top. So I figured when I went out to start it, I’d just stay out and clean it off, and then head to work a little early. So I did that, and headed off to work.
Well, I was a little early. So I get out, and just started to shovel. I’m sure it was appreciated. It’s a nice day out, the wind is hardly blowing, so it wasn’t too bad out. And it needed to be done.
I shovelled about 4 or 5 times before the shift was over. It’s nice exercise, and it’s mindless. So that’s that I did. Plus, it’s really nice when you come in, to grab a hot chocolate.
I was wondering what some of the highway cams looked like whilst the snow fell down, so I took a look. It didn’t look pretty out there.

I wonder what’s for dinner tonight? Crystal hasn’t said anything yet. We’ll figure it out.