I’m feeling pretty groggy this morning. I think I had a good sleep. I passed out pretty quickly last night. I don’t think I moved too much until about 5, when I had to get up and go to the bathroom. I climbed back into bed, and then suddenly, the alarm went off.
Yesterday wasn’t actually too bad. I got into work for 7am. We started counting, and pretty much by about 10-10:30, the main part of the counting done. Around 11, we broke for a quick lunch. After the lunch, we started the discrepancy report, and that went rather quickly. I left shortly after that. Not a bad day at all. Probably the easiest day at work. I got to tell customers to leave, and or get out of the store. It’s always a good day when you can tell the people coming in, that no, you can’t actually buy anything today.
I came home and played some No Man’s Sky while Crystal snuggled with Chaucer, and napped while I did some boring “office work”. If I can, I’ll post about it today. It was pretty good. I didn’t have the brain power to actually do other things. I cleaned out my inventory and moved all sorts of stuff around.
Today will be a nice day. Since I had to work yesterday, all the chores will be taken care of this morning. Also! We’ll be having brunch today! Woot, brunch! Other than brunch, there’s not too many plans today. Possibly a nap. A nap would be pretty nice.

It’s slowly starting to warm up here. You see the problem isn’t that it’s warming up, is that it’s too early for it to be warming up. There’s at least one more cold snap out there for us, and one, maybe 2 good snow falls that hasn’t happened yet.
But I’ll take this nice weather for as long as it’s with us. Warm weather in January is a nice thing.
Back to work again tomorrow. It’s a week of opening shifts. That means up early, but also home early. That’s the way I’m thinking of it. Happy Monday everyone.