Hang my head drown my fear till you all just disappear

Good morning, my friends. It’s hazy, hot, and humid. We slept in a little bit. Well, I slept in a little bit. It’ll be the last time for a week, cause I have opening shifts all next week. So the next time the alarm goes off, it’ll be at 4:30 in the morning. So I treated myself, and shut off the alarm for the weekend.

We didn’t do a whole lot yesterday. Looked at an “everything must go sale”. I played with a cat with a stumpy tail. There wasn’t anything that really jumped out at us. From there, just stopped at the tiny grocery for supplies for lunch, and then it was back home.

We just watched some tv and I actually played some video games. No Man’s Sky got an update – but it hasn’t filtered down to the Switch yet, so I fired up Tears of the Kingdom, where I went cave diving for a couple of hours, and then passed the controller to Crystal, so she could play for a little while.

We had a glorious bacon cheeseburger and fries for dinner. We just relaxed and were warm. We went to bed warm as well. Sometime in the night, I got up and used the bathroom. I took off my shirt and climbed under the top blanket, and went back to sleep.

Chaucer cosplayed as a DJ, and I got up and moved him from the floor beside the bed out to the hallway so he could perform the drop, and I was out again.

Now here we are; under an air advisory. It’s chore day. I’ll start in a few. Least the living room fan is drawing in some cool air right now. Happy Sunday y’all!

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