Good day sunshine

It’s morning, am I supposed to be excited? I woke up at 6. I’m sure Crystal was up even earlier. I fell back asleep for mere minutes at a time, until the alarm went off. Before that, I think it was a good sleep, but I can’t be sure. The last hour kinda ruined the whole sleep experience.

I’ll sleep again tonight.

Back to work this fine Tuesday morning. It’s going to be a good day. I will manifest this energy this morning!

Coffee has been brewed. And I think Pippin is trying to get Chaucer to play. She’s been up for a while as well and now she wants to play. I don’t think Chaucer is ever ready to play, but especially first thing in the morning. And I’m pretty sure that Pippin is a morning kitty.

So, repeat after me – it’s gonna be a good day. It’s gonna be a good day!

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