Fuck yeah, it’s Friyay! The work day actually went really quickly today. I looked up and it was already 10:30. I looked again, and groceries had arrived. Before I knew it, I was on my way to the post office.
Now I’m at home, and Crystal is finishing off a boss fight, and I’m posting this dribble to my adoring fans – Crystal will probably read this later. Hi babe!
But yeah, it’s the weekend. And it couldn’t have come soon enough. I’m tired. And we truly have nothing planned for the weekend, minus a trip to SlightlyBiggerTown for supplies, and dinner at my parents place on Sunday. And today is date night! Burgers!

Opening ceremonies happened for the Olympics while I was at work. The work wifi isn’t that great, and well, I was at work so I didn’t catch the whole thing. But I did manage to catch Canada float by.
Go Canada!