First thing we’d climb a tree and maybe then we’d talk

I think this is the first time this week, that I managed to sleep all night. I only really woke up about 10 minutes before the alarm went off. Good morning, my friends. Welcome to Thursday – the red-headed step child of the week.

It’s almost the weekend. It may not feel like it, but the week is slowly moving to the weekend. The coffee has been brewed, and we’re watching the news.

Crystal made a wonderful dinner last night. Brussels sprouts and chicken chunks. It was very good. I ate my fill, and only had a piece or two of chicken left. After dinner, I helped Crystal wash her make up brushes, and we decided what she’d wear today for her photo shoot. With that out of the way, we retired to the living room for the evening festivities.

Today, back to work. BossLady is out on the road for the next two days. I think we’re working out on the sales floor today – more organizing and making things look pretty. Fun times.

But before that, let’s have some coffee. Happy Thursday everyone!

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