Everything is bleak it’s the middle of the night

Well, it is snowing out there. It hasn’t really accumulated too much around the flat, because the wind has never died down. I’m monitoring it, cause I’ll be trekking up to Shady Acres a couple of times today. Once, probably around noon, and then probably later in the day just to clean up what’s accumulated. My dad has a medical appointment on Tuesday, so he needs to have the driveway cleaned, so he can make it to the truck.

Since I’m supposed to be pushing a lot of snow, I decided to do the laundry yesterday. You know, one less chore today, because of the added snow shovelling chore today.

So it’s just the small chores to do this morning. Most importantly, there’s brunch to be made today. And we have to make waffles as well. So it’ll still be a busy morning. But an easy, busy morning.

But the snow is falling. And the wind is blowing. I think it’s going to be a cozy day, aside from the snow shovelling. We’ll be screwed if the wind decides to just stop, but for now, for the most part, Mother Nature is shovelling most of it. I can’t wait to see the snow drifts at work tomorrow. Hopefully the plow comes through a couple times today, and through the night. But we’ll see.

I need another cup of covfefe. But I have a tiny cat on me. Well, she’ll have to get up, and I think that she’s ok with that.

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