Finally what felt like a deep restful sleep. I was a little tossy turny, but for the most part it was a solid, restful, no moving sleep. It felt really good.
It was date night last night. After going back and forth on what we wanted to watch, I settled on watching the first two episodes of Ozark. We were both excited about a second season of Black Spot, before realizing that we’d already watched it. The first two episodes of Ozark were really good. I now have another show to watch. This one is almost at the top of the list, so I can catch up with Crystal. I do have some time, as she’s working her way through Buffy.
Only a couple of chores to do today. Just the stove. Gotta clean it and then relight it. It’s actually pretty easy, and only takes about 20 minutes. Then I’ll continue to relax.
The coffee is ready. Want a cup? Come on over. There’s more than enough.