Good morning. The rain/mist has seemed to have stopped for the time being. Just a slight breeze outside. Pippin is on the table looking outside. Chaucer really wants in my lap. Crystal is still asleep in the bedroom. I’m trying to be quiet for her.
Work was bananas yesterday. We got a delivery, so WishJensenAckles took the new guy to help him with that, so I ran the ship for 2 hours while they did that. I ended up on the register for about 3 hours solid. The people, they just kept coming. We got through it.
It was busy, but we got through it. I like it when it’s busy like that, because the time goes by a lot faster. Before we knew it, it was 6. Also, I played the role of manager yesterday, closing and doing the related paperwork.
We got out on time.
Probably the same thing today. New guy (I need to come up with a name for him.) is working the swing shift. Great. He’s odd. And twitchy. I should go into more detail about him, but since I just woke up, I don’t have the words to describe him right now.