Do you have the time to listen to me whine

Good morning everyone. It’s dark, and I can’t tell if it’s still snowing, or if it’s blowing snow. Either way, it’s snow.

I slept like the dead last night. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out. I only got up once in the night, and that was because Chaucer found a reusable shopping bag, and was rubbing up against it. Once he was away from that, I fell back asleep again, then the alarm went off.

And here we are.

I think Pippin slept on the bed with us last night. At least when the alarm went off. She was between us I think. It’s nice to wake up, and there’s a kitty in the bed.

The coffee is perfect this morning. Chaucer is in between us. So let’s get the day started. Happy Tuesday everyone!

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