


Hello, my beautiful lover!

Right after I finish one letter, I start the next one, I am a glutton for punishment. Haha. In seriousness, it does help to pass the time. It helps calm my mind as well. I do apologise if the letters are so random and all over the place. I do think my mind is still processing that Owen is leaving in a couple of days. I don’t know what I’m gonna do. Probaby write even more. And for that, I apologise.

I miss you so much. I miss doing everything with you, cooking, joking around. The S-E-X. I miss your touch, your smile.

But this hopefully will be a happy letter. Everyone is pacing here, waiting for dinner. Fresh Favorites just left. That’s like commasary but for fresh food. Poland got a bacon double cheeseburger. I can smell the bacon. 30ish more days and I can have one. 60-90 days and we can have one together!

Dinner was ok. Luke warm chicken and cold rice. Don’t get me wrong, the chicken was good, but I could have ate (eaten?) 3 or 4 more pieces. I’ll have some ramen after I chat with you tonight. I’ll give this place 1 thing: their cakes and “cookies” (which are just cakes) are really good.

I just checked my account, the stamps refunded again. Ugh! So frustrating. I think I’ll can ask the councellors for stamps. I’ll see what I can do later today. I’m cautiously optimistic about haircuts in about 45 minutes. Lemme tell you, it took longer than 45 minutes, but I got my hair did! It came out almost right. But I’ll notice things that the barber didn’t just cause I’ve been shaving my head and face longer. I look pretty good though! Now it’s about 40 minutes until lunch. After lunch I can go and shower. I loves you!

Showered, napped, and ready for something! Ha BRB, I’m gonna make some ramen, I’m peckish. Hey, I’m back. I’m missing you a lot. But it is what it is, and soon we’ll be together again. And, you’ll have your cake and cupcake side hustle called “HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO”. It’s a rough name, it just came up with it. We can work on it. Or how about “Snack Attack, MFer!”?

I hope that you’ll like Canada. It’s been so long, I hope I like Canada. But it doesn’t matter, because “HOME IS WHERE YOU ARE”. And that’s all that matters to me. I got brought in for my corona virus screening. 10 yes or no questions. If I was an angry man, I could’ve answered yes to a few of them, but I didn’t. The snippets that I can here are that it’s crazy out there.

And with a quick check of his commasary balance, Owen flies out in the next 24 hours.1 Sigh. I’m happy for him. I am. And a little sad for me. But now I don’t have to feel bad about snoring or having to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. The next couple of weeks hopefully will go quickly. I think I’m just a little I’m going a little stir crazy.

I found a couple of books I haven’t read yet. So got a small pile under my bed. I miss you a lot baby. A lot. Kisses.

And for the first time in a while, I don’t think I have anything to write about. Not in a sad mood, just down a little.

I’ll write again soon baby.
I love you so much!


1 any money in a detainee’s commissary account is refunded to them about 24 hours before they are scheduled to be removed and sent to their home country.

3/10/20 – 3/11/20



Hey gorgeous girl <3

I think I’m almost all wrote out I don’t want to write about sad, depressing stuff all the time. I’m in my head most of the day. It’s something I have to work through I guess. I’m scared to say anything to anyone. Monday, Wednesday, Fridays, and Sundays are the lights at the end of the tunnel 🙂

So, and you’ll hear this tonight: the plan; court the 19th Boston, gonna wave my rights and ask to go home. Sign paperwork, tentative timeframe to fo home, around April 9-13ish I believe. Lemme tell you, it kind feels like a weight has been lifted from me. But thinking about it, that weight is now on you, sadly. I’ll have to talk to Capt. America to see where my bag has to be sent. I miss you so much.

Oh, and for the record: Danielle Steel sucks as an authour! How do people like this dredge?? I mean, sure, she’s a successful doctor with a full time practice, with 3 kids, and a multi-billionaire ex-husband, why can’t she find the love that she deserves? lol Finished it last night. You’ll be happy to know, she found the love that she deserved. Spoiler alert: twas her ex-husband.


Commasary came wicked early today. Hopefully on Friday I’ll get some stamps, then I’ll be able to send out 2 envelopes that’ll have 4 letters in them, and I’ll be all caught up! If they get stamps. If not, the backlog continues. OH! Good luck with the car tonight! You’ll be a great negotiator!

The fight for books continues! Someone either finished or gave up on Game of Thrones. So I’m reading that, when that’s done I’ll finish the last half of Book 2. Hopefully by then we’ll have new books again. Tomorrow though, is haircut day. Let’s see if the C.O.’s. can screw it up like last time. I think I’m 5th on the list.

Lunch wasn’t too bad; powdered potatoes, powdered gravey, meatballs, more freakin’ carrots. I was lucky, someone didn’t like it, so got his helping. I just ate the meatballs. I am, however, really getting tired of the overcooked carrots. Nasty little things. And it’s Wednesday, that means real chicken tonight! I’m pretty sure everyone looks forward to it. So much so, it’s the one meal in here that in order to get it, we have to give them our ID. 1 tray per person.

That, I have to say, was a delicious little nap. Now, I try not to nap too often, as I’m always afraid I won’t be able to sleep at night. I wouldn’t call my dreams nightmares anymore, but they aren’t happy go lucky dreams anymore. If I remember them at all, they are creepy almost scary in their emptyness. Like being in a ghost town.

Owen talked to Capt. America. He only has a few days left before he flies back to Ireland. Gonna get lonely here. So I ordered deodorant, stamps, envelopes, and noodles. Should be good for a while. Hopefully the stamps actually make it into my hands. We’ve already exchanged email addresses. Although when I get to Canada, I’m going to retire that address. I’m going to start new.

You wouldn’t know it to see me, but if you read my letters, I guess I have the gift of gab! Look, another letter almost done! Thankfully, I ordered a book of stamps, so I can catch up on the backlog!

Well, I’ll let you go my love.

I miss you and love you so much.


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