Butterfly in the sky, I can go twice as high

So the next couple of days is gonna be a blur here in TinyTown, I figured I’d do a couple more book questions while watching Pacific Rim.

A book with a male protagonist, and one with a female protagonist.

I had to scan my book shelves, to see if I had a book with a female protagonist, and I found one. Like everyone says about books being made into movies or TV shows, the book is so much better then the show. NOS4A2 is a brilliant book. Vic McQueen discovers with the help of her bike and a torn down covered bridge, that she can find lost things just by thinking about it, and driving through the bridge. A vampire discovers this an terrorizes her from the time she’s a teenager to the time she’s in her thirties. I don’t want to give too much away, but I really enjoyed reading it. Sometimes it helps me to watch the show or movie first to help me picture the characters, it helped me in this case. I knew what was going to happen because of the show, but lemme tell you, things unfold so much differently and better in the book.

Male lead books are so much more plentiful. It seems that almost every book on my shelves are male lead, so I had to think about which one I wanted to talk about. I chose The Raw Shark Texts. It’s about an Englishman named Eric Sanderson. He wakes up in his bedroom with absolutely no memories of himself or anything else. He’s told by his psychologist that dissociative condition, but following a trail of clues written by himself he finds that he’s being chased by a conceptual shark named a Ludovician that feeds off human memories. It’s a mystery, part horror, with just a touch of romance thrown in. It’s a great and original book for sure.

A (way too) romantic book, and an action book.

I have a couple of action books on my shelves, most of my books I haven’t read yet, and I’m trying to keep with only the books that I’ve read. So here’s my action book, even though most of the action is in the last third of the book, I’d still consider it action. The book I chose is The Escape Artist. It’s the story of Jim Zigarowski who is a mortician, discovers that the US Army’s Artist-in-residence that was supposed to have died in a plane crash is still alive and faked her death. From there, it’s an unlikely team up to find out who wanted her dead.

And now, I’m sure you know where this is going with the too romantic book. Yep, that’s right, Twilight. It’s the classic girl moves to new town, meets a boy. Boy turns out to be a vampire, girl falls in love with vampire. You know the age old story. Ain’t love grand?

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