But the meanest thing that my daddy ever did was before he left, he went and named me Sue

Yep, we’re awake. I believe that we’ve both been up on and off, since about 3:30. For me, I was a little warm, head all stuffed up, and my back twitching a little bit. I’d just get totally comfortable, and I’d cough, or twitch, and then I’d be on the mission to get comfortable again.

It is what it is.

But it’s Friday. That’s a good thing for sure. It’s been a wicked long week. Most weekend the days go somewhat quickly, but the week moves slowly. Not this week. Both the day and the week have moved at a crawl.

I don’t really have a lot to talk about today. I’m still trying to wake up. So I think I’m just gonna sign off now. You know, stop before the quality goes down.

So yeah, it’s freakin Friyay. Have some coffee for me. I’ll have some for you.

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