Books – a year in review

As I lie here at 10:42 on New Year’s Eve, scrolling through the discover feature on the WordPress app, I feel the need to talk a lot about all the books I read this year.

It’s been a lot. A lot. Trust me, I had a lot of time on my hands. I’m still trying to figure out how to balance work, and reading. So I am reading more now, at least in the last couple of days.

Some of my favourite books this year have been ones that were bought for me. House of Leaves, The Raw Shark Texts, etc. Some I found on the library cart – The Twilight Saga, some cheesy Janet Evanovich novels, and one called Honour Among Thieves.

I have a pretty nice collection of different books. I read a lot this year. I don’t put a number on it. Not everything needs to be a competition. Read because it’s fun, because as soon as you make it a competition, it’s not fun anymore.

I can’t wait to go on some reading adventures in 2021.

What are you reading to ring in the new year? Me, I’m reading The Guest List by Lucy Foley. I’m enjoying it so far.

See y’all in 2021 book nerds!

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