Book Haul – BigCity edition

Greetings, book nerds! I have been to BigCity, and have returned to TinyTown with books. Book that were published this year! With the exception of one or two, there were all published in 2020.

Amazing, isn’t it. Looking back, I’m really happy that I didn’t go earlier, you know, before I had a job. I didn’t spend as much as I thought I was going to, which is nice. What was nicer, is that I went when they were having the boxing week sale. So essentially, I got two of the books basically free.

Without further adieu, I present my last book haul of 2020.

It took me a few minutes, but I think I’m going to read The Guest List by Lucy Foley first.

From the back of the book: An exclusive wedding on a remote Irish island – the bride, the plus-one, the best man, the wedding planner, the bridesmaid. All have a secret. All have a motive. But only one is a murderer.

Sounds really interesting for sure! I’ll try and get some reading done to talk about it in this weekends Lockup Library Book Club. See you then, book nerds!

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