Book haul

Hey there book nerds! I have another book haul! I know, I know, I can’t read what I have, why am I buying more books? Because it was full a bag for a buck, and there was one that’s been on my list for a while. Is that enough? Ok then, how ‘bout this:

One book = .50c, or a bag of books for $1. So logically, it’s better to buy a bag of books rather than just one.


I think I’m most excited about The Haunting of Hill House. But they all look good, don’t they?

On another note. All the Christmas shopping is done. But this year, it’s just going to be another day. There’s no tree, and we’re the only house on the block with no lights. This is the first year that I’m really getting sick of Christmas music.

304 days.

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