Bitches doin’ all that womp, womp, womp, womp, womp, womp, womp (yeah, yeah)

We’re getting closer and closer to the weekend. It’s not too bad working closing shifts. It’s hard doing it all week. But I’m not complaining. It’s a good gig for sure. I’d be talking like this if I had openings shifts, which I do next week. lol.

The truck that was supposed to be there Tuesday evening, arrived yesterday evening. Got everything checked in, and started putting stuff out. The driver is supposed to put the cooler and freezer stuff out. He put the freezer stuff out, but left the cooler stuff in the floor on the sales floor.

What an idiot.

It looks like it’s pretty nasty out there today. Windy, and gray. I could’ve swore I heard at least some thunder last night. I’m sure there were storms all night. Now all I hear is wind. It’s supposed to be wicked windy all day.

Thankfully, we’re getting closer to the weekend. What this Thursday needs is moar coffee. Have a great Thursday y’all!

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