It’s Friday, and we’re both up. It’s a day off here, and we have a lot to do. We’ll be heading into SlightlyBiggerTown for some much needed supplies. But before that, coffee is needed to be consumed.
I’m done my closing shifts. Tomorrow I’ll be up at the ass-crack of dawn to open the shop. That should be a heck of a lotta fun. But I’ll let future Shawshank deal with that.

I’ve been playing The Legend of Zelda: Echos of Wisdom for a couple of hours each morning before lunch. I’ve done a couple of the main dungeons, and a lot of explorations. It’s very fun. I’m really enjoying the game. I haven’t had to “mini think” like this for a long time. It’s thinking on the move. And completely different than Tears, and Breath. It’s great.