Ayy my girl is bangin’ she’s so low maintenance. Don’t need no champagne poppin’ entertainment take her to Wendy’s can’t keep her off me. She wanna dip me like them fries in her Frosty

Morning one, morning all. I got home about 10:30ish, I think. I don’t know, I’ll have to check my texts to Crystal, so I can fill out my time card, but either way it was a long day.

But a pretty good day.

The coffee is just about brewing and I’m ready to put a lot of it into my mouth hole.

I got into bed, and I don’t think I moved at all, so I’m a little stiff. Hopefully it’ll be a slowish day, as I have lots of dishes to do today, and I have to get some last night things together for BossLadies trip into the states on Monday.

Ok, I have my mug-o-coffee, so I’m gonna sign off. Happy Saturday!

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